Organization development aims to help people work more effectively together, improve organizational processes such as the formulation and implementation of strategy, and facilitate the transformation of the organization and the management of change.
Organization Development & Transformation
Organization Design
Organization design is the process of deciding how organizations should be structured and function. We aim to clarify the overall purposes of the organization – strategic goals that govern what it does and how it functions; define how work should be organized to achieve that purpose, including the use of technology and other work processes; group all activities logically together to avoid unnecessary overlap or duplication; provide for the integration of activities and the achievement of cooperative effort and teamwork; build flexibility into the system so that organizational arrangement can adapt quickly to new situations and challenges. And the key is to provide for the rapid communication of information throughout the organization.
It involves assessing the implications of structural changes on future people requirements and taking steps to meet those requirements. It determines structure, relationships, roles, human resources requirements, methods of working and the lines along which changes should be implemented.
Organization Development
Organization development programs are managed from the top and our service to diagnose problems and to manage change by various kinds of planned activity or “intervention”. The plans are based upon a systematic analysis and diagnosis of the strategies and circumstances of the organization and the changes and problems affecting it.
We use behavioral science knowledge and aim to improve the way the organization copes in times of change through such processes as interaction, communication, participation, and planning and conflict management. We focus on ways of ensuring that business and HR strategies are implemented and change is managed effectively.
Change Management / Transformation
Change process starts with an awareness of the need for change. An analysis of this situation and the factors that have created it leads to a diagnosis of their distinctive characteristics and an indication of the direction in which action needs to be taken. Possible courses of action can then be identified and evaluated and a choice made of the preferred action.
We can help the organization develop the capability to manage the changes that will continue to be part of the organizational landscape. It can help with the ongoing learning process required to assess the impact of change and enable the organization to make corrections and enhancements to the changes. We can help the organization develop a new psychological contract and ways to give employees a stake in the changes that are occurring and in the performance of the organization.