Recruitment & Employer Branding

Recruitment Planning and Consultation Service

It will cover services including the number and types of employees required to cater for expansion or new developments and make up for any deficits, the likely sources of candidates, plans for tapping alternative sources and how the recruitment program will be conducted.

Employer Branding

Employers create an employment brand by first making a candid assessment of their strengths as an employer. Employee satisfaction and attitude surveys can provide data as to what aspects of their employment current employees most value. Follow-through requires careful oversight and management of the organization’s culture, mission, and employment policies and practices. A critical part of an organization’s employment branding is its culture, particularly relative to relationships, authority, and accountability. CRM activities also center on the creation and maintenance of a database of possible candidates for employment as well as regular communication with these individuals to keep them engaged and their interest level elevated.

Campus Recruitment

This is a means of attracting a relatively large number of qualified applicants. Campus recruitment can generate a large applicant pool in a short time period at a minimal cost, and therefore create efficiency in the recruiting process. But please beware that campus recruiting can often result in motivated, high skilled, energetic applicants, but these applicants are usually available only at certain times of the year and they may also have very limited prior work experience.

Internship Program facilitation

Internship programs allow both the employer and student a trial period with no obligation. Employers have an advantage in recruiting interns for permanent positions; students gain marketable experience for their resumes. But please beware that role and job duties for internship are usually a duplication of current workforce or a temporary assignment, for the long term stability of efficiency and effectiveness of the current workforce.